pennies dimes and nickles

Activity 2

This is where the Question goes for L-T-T and a statement goes for OYG

Can you find a ____?

You can take a picture, make a sketch, or bring the object to show. Bring back at least one example of a ____.

Off You Go!

For Teachers


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+

Delete those that don’t apply


Delete the questions below that don’t apply and add any additional follow-up questions

How many?

About how many?

What do you notice? What do you wonder?

What patterns do you see?

Which is more?

What’s missing?

How could you organize?

Big Ideas

Delete any of the following that do nit apply. Link remaining to matching Big Idea page.

Seeing mathematics in the world

Posing mathematical questions

Attending to and using structure

Connecting number and quantity

Comparing quantities

Equal means the same

Composing and decomposing number

Making 5 and 10

Relating part and whole

Decomposing and using benchmarks to estimate

Thinking in equal groups

Connecting area and multiplicative thinking

Seeing and creating patterns

Sorting, organizing, and using attributes

Composing and decomposing shapes

Using units to count, measure, and compare


If there is a way to extend this activity, add details here. If not, delete this feature