Books & Resources


Jen co-authors the Mindset Mathematics curriculum series with Jo Boaler and Cathy Williams. The series consists of nine books, one for each grade K – 8. The books below are currently available, with 1st and 2nd grade coming in 2021. The series contains rich mathematical activities that develop the big ideas in each grade level. Remembering that big ideas can take years to develop, the tasks in these books can be used in and adapted for multiple grades.

Mindset Mathematics Kindergarten
Mindset Mathematics Grade 3
Mindset Mathematics Grade 6
Mindset Mathematics Grade 4
Mindset Mathematics Grade 7
Mindset Mathematics Grade 5
Mindset Mathmatics Grade 8

Facilitating inquiry in rich tasks like those we’ve developed here at Multiplicity Lab and those in the Mindset Mathematics series requires lots of talk and collaboration. Navigating a collaborative math classroom can be challenging work for both teachers and students. To support teachers in crafting and navigating collaborative math teaching, Jen has written two books: The Collaborative Math Classroom and In the Moment.

In the Moment

Recommended Resources

The following websites offer images and tasks that we’ve drawn inspiration from here at Multiplicity Lab and which you can use to support rich math teaching remotely and in-person

Estimation 180


Visual Patterns

Number Talk Images

Information is Beautiful: Beautiful News

Which One Doesn't Belong?